Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Day has finally come!!!

Sorry no pictures today because I am not very good at this blog thing. However I did want to update everyone on what has happened the last few days.

Yes that is right we now have our own insurance so I will no longer be working full time. I will continue to work at Red Mountain doing hair and helping out with the orders but I will only be working 3 days a week. Deven is going to start working on converting the office in the house into a salon and before you know it I will have a little salon in my house so I can do hair and pedicures. I am so excited!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What happened to the Summer ?-Stitches and Staples.

I know that it has been a long time since I blogged I was actually thinking that I would give it up since so much has happened since my last blog. The boys turned 4, McKenze turned 6, yes I did finish painting my dining room, I had surgery, McKenna was baptized (I will try to post that in the next week but no promises), we had a fun summer full of camping, swimming and yes stitches and staples.

Where to start I guess I will start at the end of June the Home teachers had just left after they made some really cool paper airplanes for the kids. All of the kids were out back (I finally have a landscaped backyard) flying their airplanes and Deven and I were in the house cooking dinner. Suddenly here comes McCall she is holding Tate's arm and all the other kids were crowded around. Tate had climbed the neighbors chain link fence to try to get his paper airplane that flew into their yard and he cut his arm on the top of the fence. It was so gross there was fat hanging out of the cut. So we take him down to the hospital and of course he had to get stitches the funny thing was he didn't even cry until Deven told him he was going to the hospital.

This is right after they stitched it
I can't remember how many stitches there was at least nine.

So we get Tate all fixed up and then the following week is the 4th of July we decide to go camping that weekend. We went to Enterprise reservoir to go fishing which we did not catch a thing. On the 4th we went fishing in the morning and then we went back to camp to pack up then we were going on a hike. Well as Deven and I were packing the kids were playing on the rocks and then we here one of the boys crying and I can tell by the way he is crying that something is wrong.
So we run over to them and the girls tell us he fell off the rock and hit his back. Well he didn't fall very far so we were looking at his back to make sure it looked alright then we look at his hat and it is covered in blood. Take off the hat and he has two large cuts in his head that won't stop bleeding. So we pack everything in the matter of 5 minutes throw it in the truck and then head down to the hospital again with another boy that looks a lot like the one we brought in last week. I was sure that DCFS was going to be called but we got in and out of the ER in 45 minutes and had 5 staples to show off.
He was very dirty we didn't even take him to shower before going to the ER. So that was our fun and exciting summer. I swear girls are so much easier then boys we have not had one accidental stitch with any of the girls.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Spring is here!!

What is is about Spring that makes you want to re-do things? Last week I painted my Kitchen and this week I plan on re-doing my dining room. I love spring the weather, the longer days, soccer starts again. In the spirit of re-doing things I have decided to try something that I have been thinking about for a long time. I am sorry that I am being so cryptic but I don't want to jinx myself yet so once I start going on it then I will let you all in on the secret.

So I didn't win the HGTV home I am still a little bummed about it. I kept telling Brittney that I was going to win I think that she started to believe I was. This week the kids are out of school for Spring Break and I have worked all week so I feel bad that I haven't been able to hang out with them. Tomorrow we are going to go hiking so I will get some pictures and post them soon. Also me and the girls are going to California next weekend we are excited to have a girls weekend.

Well that's it for now sorry no pictures but I will post some when we get back from California plus I will post pictures of my new paint job and let you all see that I should probably be a professional painter.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Christmas Through McCall's eyes.

Sorry it has taken me so long to update my blog. I thought that I would post pictures that McCall took with her camera that she got for Christmas. She is a pretty good photographer.

McKenze and her new 22

Ty and his new 22

McKenna and her new journal

Tate and his new outfit.

Opening presents is hard work

We definitely had a white Christmas

Christmas was good but it went by too fast. Santa brought us Rock Band for the WII and we are now playing nightly shows if any of you are interested in watching. I must say we are quite good. It is so much fun to see friends and family. I was off for two weeks so I had time to spend with the kids. We started a new tradition of going to Mesquite for Christmas Eve to see my grandparents. I was able to go to lunch with Holly, Amy, Audrie, and Kelly we had so much fun and I realized that I miss seeing them so if you guys are reading plan on hanging out next time you come to town. So Happy New Year and I will blog again in a few weeks

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Kendall Lynn Legg

So my computer is fixed and I will post some Christmas pictures in a day or two but I wanted to post pictures of my new niece Kendall. She was born on January 2nd at 11:52 a.m. I was in the delivery room and I must say it is way different being on the other side of the delivery. Here are some pictures:

Kendall Lynn Legg 7lbs 4oz.

Proud Parents

My kids seeing her for the first time.

Everything went fine they are home now and not sleeping. Isn't it crazy how these little blessings come into our lives and change them forever? Does it make any of you baby hungry?